Monday, June 30, 2014

A New Stay at Home Mama

It's been a long time since last posted. Without getting in to too much detail, I've had A LOT going on. I've been stressed and worried and frustrated and angry and sad and...

Tomorrow begins a new chapter for our family. Tomorrow, I start my new job as a stay at home mama.  I have a lot of feelings about this. I'm so excited and so happy that I get to spend so much more time with our kids. I look forward to every minute that I get to share with them. But, I'm worried too. Will I be any good at this? Will we be able to stretch those dollars? Will I lose my mind? Will my boys break each other?

But honestly, I'm more optimistic than I've been in months.

I want to keep my 1 and 6 years-olds busy - learning, having fun, staying active and eating yummy healthy food. I will be scouring the internets for some money-saving ideas and for the advice of those that have been there, done that.

Whee! Wish me luck. I'll write again soon!
