Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Class Trip to a Farm

Yesterday, I went with my son on a class trip to a farm with his first grade class. He rode the bus with his classmates and I drove over in my car. It was a beautiful drive into the foothills!

Soon after we arrived, the kids got to play on a big "bounce pillow". OK, I could have gotten on the thing too (and a few adults did!), but I didn't want to take any kids out on my way down. Earlier this week the kids prepped their white t-shirts for tie-dying and they all wore their unique shirts to the farm.

After the bouncing, we made our way through two cornfield mazes. Can you tell how windy it was? Dirt and dust everywhere, but we still had fun!

Next, we were off to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins to take home.  (I'm cheating with this picture - I forgot to take one yesterday, so this is a picture from our family visit to the same farm just before Halloween!) We took a hayride to reach the pumpkin patch and our tour guide pointed out the various fruits that were growing as we passed - blackberries, nectarines, peaches, pomegranates, apples, avocados & strawberries. She also mentioned a fruit I'd never heard of before - pomelos. I bought one at the farm store later and we tried it this morning during breakfast. It tasted like a less bitter grapefruit. My boys weren't huge fans, but at least they tried something new!

Also seen at the farm store - Buddha's Hand! Can you can tell which one is the Buddha's Hand? 

After pumpkin picking, we had lunch and then the kids packed up and headed back home. My little guy was pretty tired! Those kids got some great exercise! Honestly, this farm is great and I'm so glad that the first graders had a chance to visit... but... it would've been so cool if the kids had a chance to taste all that wonderful fruit! This farm is certainly an attraction in our area and I LOVE shopping at their farm store and picking up fresh produce and seeing new things.  In fact, at the farm store, they do have a little sample bar so that you can taste the produce.  How much more enriching and interesting for the kids to have the opportunity to try something new and be able to discuss that with their parents and their teachers? It's my only complaint - a little more education about what the farm has to offer - how the plants are grown, what the fruits taste like - that would've sold me 100%.

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